If you’ve ever wanted a career in health care, Trinity Health Of New England now offers a free head start.

Trinity Health announced Tuesday it is partnering with Charter Oak State College and Capital Workforce Partners on the Good Jobs Challenge Grant Employment Training Program, designed to provide free training for entry-level jobs in health care to the under- and unemployed.

Participants in the 12-week online program will be trained for roles as patient registrars, which help register and check-in patients, process billing, and provide customer support.

According to ZipRecruiter, the average pay for patient registrars in Connecticut is $20 an hour, slightly below the national average of $22 an hour.

Those who complete the program will be eligible for open patient access positions at Trinity Health hospitals, as well as at Trinity Health Of New England Medical Group locations throughout the region. A spokesperson for Trinity Health said graduates also may seek jobs with other healthcare systems or medical offices.

Program graduates also earn a digital badge from Credly, a digital credential network, and can use that as a foundation toward pursuing a college degree.

Courses are designed to feed into existing degree programs at Charter Oak, including bachelor of science degrees in health information management (HIM) or health care administration.


Read the full article at Hartford Business Journal.